Nov 28th - Solo - La Cave 12 - Festival Akouphène - Genève (SUI) [Cancelled] °
Nov 26th - Solo - Zeitraumexit - prog. Elektosmog - Mannheim (DE) [Reported] °
Nov 16-18th - Les Petits Riens - L'empreinte, Théâtre National de Brive - Brive-la-Gaillarde (FR) [Reported]
Oct 29th - Nov 1st - Les Petits Riens - Theâtre Am Stram Gram - Genève (SUI)
Oct 16th - Snowdrops - Volutes - Album Release - Injazero Records [+] June 28th - Messiaen, Trois Petites Liturgies de la Présence Divine, w/ SWR Symphonieorchester - Konzerthaus Freiburg (DE) [Reported]
June 27th - Messiaen, Trois Petites Liturgies de la Présence Divine, w/ SWR Symphonieorchester - Rosengarten Mannheim (DE) [Reported]
June 25-26th - Messiaen, Trois Petites Liturgies de la Présence Divine, w/ SWR Symphonieorchester - Liederhalle Stuttgart (DE) [Reported]
June 13rd - Solo - Centro Cultural E Congressos - Caldas da Rainha (POR) [Cancelled] *
June 12nd - Solo - Centro de Artes e Espectáculo - Portalegre (POR) [Cancelled] *
May 24th - Solo - SynthFest - Nantes (FR) [Cancelled] °
May 22nd - Chimères (pour ondes Martenot) - Album Release - Nahal Recordings
May 13th - Lotte, mon amour - Le Cheval Blanc - Schiltigheim (FR) [Cancelled]
May 11-14th - Lotte, mon amour - séances jp - Schiltigheim (FR) [Cancelled]
May 9th - Conférence, La place des femmes dans les musiques électroniques, Librairie Kleber - Strasbourg (FR) [Cancelled]
May 8th - Solo - Cinéma Odyssée, Festival Exhibitronic ° - Strasbourg (FR) [Cancelled]
Apr 21th - Les Petits Riens - Festival Les Giboulées - Strasbourg (FR) [Cancelled]
Apr 16th - Atelier Musique & Cinéma, Restitution Ciné-concert, Conservatoire de Strasbourg - Strasbourg (FR) [Cancelled]
Feb 14th - Nanook of the North - Espace Rohan - séances jp - Saverne (FR)
Fab 13th - Nanook of the North - Espace Rohan - Saverne (FR)
Feb 4th - Nanook of the North - Le Point d'Eau - Ostwald (FR)
Jan 19th - Solo - Salao Brazil - Coimbra (POR) *
Jan 18th - Solo - Teatro de Vila Real - Vila Real (POR) * [+] Jan 17th - Solo - Fnac Showcase - Porto (POR) *
* Piano Solo ^ Piano & Ondes ° Ondes Solo, Chimères